We are working 24/7 around the clock to grow our company, adapt to our customers needs and maintain our rank within our industry 💗 In 2020 we were voted the #1 pregnancy subscription box by consumers!! 🤩 Which is MAJOR! It wasn’t a falsified online article or a paid influencer that gave us this ranking it was thousands of real consumers that consistently gave us feedback and have RAVED that The Belly Boxes are offering the best products and experience on the market! We are still constantly looking to improve our brand and our products! In 2019 we launched our multiple pregnancies customization allowing moms who were expecting twins and triplets to customize their boxes specifically for them and their babies! In 2021 we are launching our gender customization which will allow our moms to customize their boxes even further to ensure the products they are receiving are EXACTLY what they need and want! We are also the ONLY company that offers this type of customization. We are no longer just another pregnancy box on the market, which is why we decided to bridge the gap between us and our competitors even further and change our name to THE BELLY BUNDLE! 🥳 With all these added customizations our moms can now get pampered with the perfect bundle for their journey!